Uninstaller pro
Uninstaller pro

You can sort the list of installed programs by name, size, install date, or version number.It can monitor other software installations automatically so that when you decide to remove one of those monitored programs, it'll know exactly which files/folders to delete to fully uninstall it without leaving behind any traces.Integrates itself into the File Explorer right-click context menu, meaning you can remove programs from the desktop or any other folder without having to first open IObit Uninstaller.Works with Windows 11, 10, and older Windows operating systems.Advanced Uninstaller PRO includes other tools like a startup manager, file shredder, junk cleaner, Control Panel applet remover, duplicate file finder, and registry cleaning tool.You can choose any supported program that you have installed to read online reviews at Advanced Uninstaller PRO.After a regular uninstall using a program's default uninstaller, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will search for leftover files that the uninstaller missed and prompt you to remove them.Advanced Uninstaller PRO will attempt to use a program's regular, built-in uninstaller but will skip directly to a manual file and registry search if it's unable to properly complete the uninstallation.Program installs can be set up to be automatically monitored by Advanced Uninstaller PRO so they're much easier to uninstall at a later time.

uninstaller pro uninstaller pro

The installed software can be ordered by name, size, and comments left by other users.The software uninstaller in Advanced Uninstaller PRO is located in General Tools > Uninstall Programs.32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP are supported.

Uninstaller pro